Using APIs to Connect Applications and Data for a Business

Posted By Admin On Fri, Sep 20, 2019

 With time, businesses grow and with that growth, they take up technology that improves their capabilities. The problem arises when they try to integrate their technology with the ones existing on their business platforms. Further, they must upgrade this with all future applications they adopt so that the entire thing works well as one integral unit. But, there exist solutions for this problem and the best one is to consider using APIs to integrate all that you want into your business platform.

 Advantages of using APIs

API led connectivity is one of the best options for any business because of its many advantages. This type of apigee services approach allows you to create functional APIs that we can reuse and allows you to connect between different tech products or databases. There are many advantages to adopting this approach.

  1. The benefit of time-saving – With an increase in technology, the manpower needed to handle the work becomes more. Considering that the expenditure on IT to rise by 31% while the budget outlay will increase by 10%, you can expect the IT staff to get overworked for the most part. API led connectivity helps reduce the time needed to do the work. Clear documentation that is easily accessible helps the work proceed fast.
  2. Use an adaptive system – When there is a need for new technology, one only needs to provide the API for it and this is readily available. Different products and technology can get updated through their API so the system becomes more responsive.
  3. Reuse the API for more work – Reusability is the strong point of the API, and as you develop them to do work on a solid basis, you make them reusable so your team can develop new capabilities.

 Mistakes develop through an ad-hoc approach

Most business ventures respond to the need for technology as they arise and they help solve the problem in hand. But, down the line, this approach causes more problems. Let us see how using this type of apigee for data migration will work out and how the problems arise.

Enough thought is not given to the future when giving the connectivity for the present scenario.

  • Going about the integration as a point to point scenario instead of considering the whole integral unit.
  • Not making use of analytics and measurements so that you have no idea of work done in the past. You cannot learn from the work done in the past.
  • Ignoring the security aspect and putting your company at risk.
  • Doing work without documentation so the company is not aware of any work that you do. Nor, do they know how they did it. The use of apigee business consulting will solve most of your problems fast.

We can summarize all these problems as not developing the proper strategy to tackle the work in hand. A good API led transformation will include things like consistent security policies to avoid risks and a clear documentation process. We do this using any integration product like Mulesoft. The private library will document every API you develop and use and enables easy access.

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