Types Of Salesforce Integrations For Enterprises

Posted By Admin On Tue, Jul 23, 2019

It is very easy to use Salesforce to integrate for real-time or asynchronous processing. You can integrate using various options and even do batch processing. First will be to integrate Salesforcewith Remote Systems. This Outbound Integration Pattern occurs in real-time or near real-time, or it may be an event-driven case. 

Real-time integration cases

In real-time, you can expose web services through the integration platform using WSDL. This gets generated by Salesforce and integration should use Salesforceinterfaces. For the integration, you can do Salesforce integration with Mulesoft that provides you with all the tools you will need. In the Near Time integration, we can schedule the connector provided by Mulesoft and bring in data. This makes it near real-time and it depends on the scheduler settings. As we query objects in SQL, we can use the connector to query Salesforce objects.

For the Event-driven case, we can use defined criteria to trigger an event inside Salesforce. The event gets triggered with the action happens, it uses the integration URL to send the data to integration. Salesforce also can store the data apart from sending it to the URL. This data remains in Queue before it gets sent out to remote systems. This makes the data much more reliable. The Queues get configured to retry any specified number of times using a specific interval. According to the use case, the Queue gets set up for reliability in an integration or Salesforce layer. 

Method of Inbound integration

When we integrate Remote Systems to Salesforce as an Inbound case, in real-time, Mulesoft gives a Connector for Salesforce that is robust. This integration can serve for real-time Salesforce updates. For Bulk Data Transfer, the connector itself provides the features. There is a chance in bulk operations that overload of Salesforce could occur through the integration.

Salesforce became the leading platform in the world for building application networks when it acquired Mulesoft. This will help enterprise connect data, apps, and devices through the cloud on-premise even when they do not connect to Salesforce. This is partly because the Anypoint platform from Mulesoft is a part of the integration system. Organizations will be able to surface their data and integrate Salesforce with Mule because of this no matter where the data is. 

Leading SaaS provider

A wide range of customer interaction, sales, and support services remain facilitated and managed using CRM products from Salesforce. Salesforce is a leader in providing Software as a Service and cloud computing. But, it is necessary to build an effective strategy for back end databases, ERP solutions, and Salesforce integration with legacy CRM applications because there are chances of a ‘cloud silo’ of enterprise data building up. 

Custom coding to the rescue

On approach for integrating Salesforce with the enterprise is to use custom coding. SaaS applications did not bring out the positive aspect of application integration when it first started out. There were very few SaaS integration tools available and enterprises had to use in-house IT teams to custom code the Salesforce connections to systems and applications. Many concerns used the DIY approach since they could tailor the integration to suit their individual need. This kind of hand-coded solutions helped synchronize data between databases residing on-premise with Salesforce.

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